VEDUN - S vami anđel stoj / Let an Angel Be with You

Описание к видео VEDUN - S vami anđel stoj / Let an Angel Be with You

Dalmatinska kolednica ob spremljavi tamburaškega brača z otoka Brača (Hrvaška) je zvočno voščilo, s katerim pevci želijo, da vsakogar varuje angel. Ne prinašajo darov, temveč prosijo ljubezen za vsakogar. Novoletni kolednici sledijo zvoki slovaške fujare in aboridžinskega didžiridoja ter oddaljeni zvok indijanske piščali. Zvok zrcali kozmično in zemeljsko v lesenih piščalih in obrednih bobnih.

Utrinek s koncerta ob zimskem sončnem obratu v galeriji Equrna, Ljubljana, 2009

The Dalmatian carol, accompanied by the chordal tamburitza dubbed brač from the island of Brač (Croatia), is a sonic congratulation card in which the singers wish for everyone to be protected by an angel. They do not bear gifts, but ask for love for everyone. The New Year carol is followed by the sounds of the Slovak fuyara and Aboriginal didjeridoo, as well as the distant sound of the Indian flute. The sound reflects the cosmic and the earthly within the wooden flutes and ritual drums.

Highlight from the winter solstice concert at the Equrna Gallery, Ljubljana, 2009


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