Dota 2: Arteezy - Take Advantage of Valve's Spaghetti Code | Tanky Items to Counter Techies

Описание к видео Dota 2: Arteezy - Take Advantage of Valve's Spaghetti Code | Tanky Items to Counter Techies

After losing 4 games in a row, Arteezy is motivated to break his losing streak. He picks his signature Terrorblade and performs extraordinarily well during the laning phase. Unfortunately, similar to his previous 4 games, his team keeps randomly feeding around the map, and making very idiotic plays. Arteezy keeps his composure and continues farming, in the hopes that he will be able to out-farm the enemies net worth. The enemies were able to threaten top rax by 17 minutes, which Arteezy's team was barely able to fend off. At the 21 minute mark, Arteezy turns the game around with a game winning Sunder.

Going into game 2 with momentum, Arteezy plays a fairly conservative game with Arc Warden. He spends most of his time in the jungle, while sending his clone to either kill enemies or aggressively farm/push the side lanes. By the 20 minute mark, Arteezy had farmed enough of a lead to solo kill most of the Dire's heroes.

The third game is when Arteezy's winning streak seemed shaky. His mid player decided to first pick Ember, which fortunately got banned. But he then proceeds to first pick Shadow Fiend. To make matters worst, Techies was Dire's 4th pick. Arteezy blanks out and, without thinking or much thought, he picks Luna. It was a relatively quiet early game, with Arteezy just trading regen items with the enemy offlane Tiny. Trouble arises when Arteezy realizes that no one on his team, had the range to attack Techies' bombs safely from a distance, except for Shadow Fiend. Arteezy adapts to the situation and instructs his team to build tanky items, so that they wouldn't die to Techies bombs. Fortune struck as Arteezy noticed the enemy Tiny's Avalanche in the Rosh pit (in fog of war). His team was able to win the Rosh pit fight, and gain a sizeable lead.

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00:00 - 04:43 - Terrorblade Back on the Menu
04:44 - 12:17 - Arc Warden Clone Wars
12:18 - 12:56 - 50% CDR Talent
12:57 - 27:19 - Luna the Moon Carrier

#Arteezy #Rtz #Dota2


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