Wet Trimming Cannabis Plant Material

Описание к видео Wet Trimming Cannabis Plant Material

Wet Trimming Cannabis Plant Material

Professor DeBacco

Wet Trimming
Wet trimming yields a higher flower to trim ratio but requires more equipment and has less room for error.
A wet trimming method involves cutting the plant down followed immediately by the removal of the fan leaves and detail trimming of the bud.
After this is completed, then the drying process can begin.
This process is common for very large growing operations since there is typically not enough drying space so performing the initial wet trim is needed to reduce overall biomass before the drying process can start.

Wet Trimming Benefits
Wet trimming is recommended by growers because of the greater trichome preservation, and quicker harvesting time, all with less space needed for drying.
Buds can “puff out”, appearing larger and more aesthetically pleasing.
Commercial growers, typically see the puff out as a huge reason to trim wet.
This also makes the drying process faster, by removing much of the moisture in the plant.

Problems with Wet Trimming
Trimming wet is not as a clean process as dry trimming with noticeable residue build up on shears that will need cleaning.
The take down of the plants followed immediately by trimming also compresses some of the required work that needs to be accomplished.

Commercial Harvest Locations
With commercial harvesting often speed and efficiency is important which is part of the reason why wet trimming can be selected.
Wet trimming is faster compared to the detail oriented dry trimming process, however there will likely be some trichome loss since during the drying process there will not be any sugar leaves to provide protection.

The goal of volume and reduced time to sale can hurt individual bud quality as a wet trim material may not reach the top quality that can be achieved with a dry trim.

Link to Lecture Slides: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1w6pP...

420 Magazine Source Content by Slide Title:
Problems with wet trimming

*Due to the description character limit the full work cited for "Wet Trimming Cannabis Plant Material" can be viewed at... https://drive.google.com/file/d/10Q1A...


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