2 Exercises To Help With Neck Pain at C7/T1 Junction

Описание к видео 2 Exercises To Help With Neck Pain at C7/T1 Junction

I must admit I hate making exercises like this that show only two exercises to alleviate pain or an injury. For in reality there is many more things you will need to do than this.
Having said that I thought it would be good to show some very simple exercises to use to free up an area of the body that is often very tight and stiff, being the C7/T1 Junction.
This type of pain is almost always associated with KYPHOSIS and a FORWARD HEAD POSTURE.

I highly encourage you to read our very detailed article about this to help you find the trigger behind your postural imbalances.

The first exercise I use in the video is more about strengthening of the trapezius muscle which is nearly always skipped for the person feels tremendous stiffness and tightness in this region. Stiffness does not mean it is strong, usually it is the exact opposite. As a result people spend endless amount of time with massage and stretching which often makes things worse for it weakens muscles that are already weak. You can read more about this in the article below

Almost all neck pain and headaches are primarily due to poor shoulder blade (scapula) function regardless of the structural diagnosis involved."

This is very important to understand for often people are getting massage for their neck and spending endless hours trying to stretch their neck muscles due to their excessive tightness they feel. All the while ignoring the role of the scapula and the real underlying problem which is the poor postural habits they have developed during the course of the day. Failure to identify these poor postural and movement habits means you will change nothing no matter how many massages or physical treatment you get.

Great articles with additional information about the scapula are shown in the links below

The second exercise in the video is very strange as you hardly move to do this. The key to this is in the breathing. By tucking yourself into a ball and nodding your head you separate the facet joints of the cervical spine that are usually being compressed. When you try to take a deep breath your diaphragm is very restricted so it forces you to find the last bit of air by expanding the upper trapezius muscle. This in turn allows you to further widen the facet joints relieving your neck of some pain.
This is in no way going to correct your problem but it may help relieve some of the pain you feel so you can do the exercises that will correct you.

If you are suffering with neck or shoulder pain right now make sure you grab a copy of our special report on shoulder pain below that takes you through an entire assessment process and corrective exercise program.


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