State of Kubernetes Infrastructure Monitoring A Comparison Prometheus & OpenTelemetry -Matej Gera

Описание к видео State of Kubernetes Infrastructure Monitoring A Comparison Prometheus & OpenTelemetry -Matej Gera

One of the components of any Kubernetes monitoring system is the infrastructure metrics. Given the multitude of components within Kubernetes, this is not a small task. The CNCF community has come up with two common ways of monitoring clusters. While the Prometheus-based solution is more mature, the promise of standardization in the observability space is attracting more and more users to OpenTelemetry. This split poses a dilemma to newcomers and existing Kubernetes users - which solution to choose?
This talk aims to explain and clarify how both Prometheus and OpenTelemetry have their place in infrastructure monitoring and how users can implement either of the projects (and what pitfalls to look out for). The session will explain how both solutions work and dive into particulars, such as the pros and cons of each solution, in what scenarios to employ one or the other (or both), or how to avoid overlaps and duplications of metric data.


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