French Financier Recipe: Tasty and ZERO Sugar

Описание к видео French Financier Recipe: Tasty and ZERO Sugar

Welcome to Three Commas Kitchen!

Let's make the classic French Financier today!
Well, not exactly, because we are going to use stevia to replace sugar. I also included a version with sugar if you want to use sugar (sugar actually tastes better…shh).

Please refer details below for complete ingredient list and recipe.


6 Financiers:
80g butter | 黃油 (for brown butter)
10g butter | 黃油 (for pan)
42g cake flour | 低筋麵粉
42g cake flour | 杏仁粉
80g egg white| 雞蛋清
10g (1/4 cup) stevia | 甜菊糖 (or 60g sugar | 砂糖)

Bake at 380F for 12min

1. Butter the pan, then chill in the refrigerator
2. Brown the butter - once the color becomes amber, turn off heat
3. Pour the brown butter through a strainer, set aside
4. Sift the cake flour, almond flour and stevia (or sugar) into a large mixing bowl
5. Add egg white, whisk until combined
6. Mix with brown butter, whisk until the batter is smooth
7. Pour the batter into the wells, filling them about 80% full
8. Preheat the oven to 380F/~200C, bake for 12 minutes
9. Cool down and serve


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