Modern agriculture: Robots and artificial intelligence in plant breeding | KWS World of Farming

Описание к видео Modern agriculture: Robots and artificial intelligence in plant breeding | KWS World of Farming

With the TerraSentia robot, the German seed manufacturer KWS in the USA is testing how plant traits can be recorded automatically and precisely. Artificial intelligence and deep learning also play a decisive role in this project in cooperation with the agricultural start-up EarthSense (University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign). The results allow conclusions to be drawn about how plant breeding can increase yields for farmers and improve resistance to plant diseases.

The senior project manager for digital innovations at KWS, Jia Yan, the head of wheat breeding at KWS in the USA, Jana Murche, and KWS wheat breeder Mark Christopher explain how the robot works and what advantages it offers in wheat breeding at the trial field in Champaign/Illinois (USA).

Further information and an animation on how the robot works in combination with artificial intelligence can be found at the World of Farming:


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