How To Teach Voice Lessons Online

Описание к видео How To Teach Voice Lessons Online

Teaching Voice Lessons Outline, especially in light of the recent Corona Virus outbreak.



BEST OPTIONS (Recommended in this order)
I currently have students who prefer to use each of these platforms.


Zoom is the most reliable of all the video conference softwares. It gives both you and the student the option to create a video recording of the lesson (and an audio recording), you can share the screen (showing sheet music, YouTube videos, audio recordings, etc.).
More importantly, you can easily adjust your audio to prevent sound issues (which is the biggest challenge with teaching voice lessons online). Zoom is free for all one-on-one sessions for an unlimited amount of time. For group lessons lasting more than 40 minutes, you'll need to pay for a monthly subscription fee.

FaceTime is a really great alternative to Zoom. The downside is that it is only available on students with Apple devices, there is no way to adjust the audio (although it is exponentially better than Skype), and there is no way to directly create a video recording of the session.

Skype is generally used as a last resort. The software can be EXTREMELY glitchy. It can be very difficult to add contacts, sometimes Skype erases all your contacts with no explanation, the video and audio are often quite laggy. Skype works for voice lessons but the quality of the teaching and learning experience isn’t on the same level as Zoom or FaceTime.

GoogleHangouts is used an absolute last resort. Sometimes when students who prefer Skype have glitches, our backup is GoogleHangouts. The audio and video quality is quite poor but good to use on the fly when Skype is having problems.


In order to prevent delay, you must understand that delay is caused mostly from sound coming in and going out at the same time. Therefore, it is highly recommended that both the student and the teacher wear headphones during the lessons. This will cut audio glitches and general audio issues down by 90%. Any headphones will work fine. Just a reminder, that both you and your student must wear headphones during the session.
It’s also great to use an external microphone, I recommend the Blue Yeti USB Microphone, it’s easy to use, sturdy, reliable, and inexpensive. Using an external microphone will improve your audio quality.


You need to be using the fastest Wifi possible when teaching your lessons online. If possible, plug your computer directly into the Wifi router. If that’s not possible, be as close to the Wifi router as possible while teaching. You will want to communicate this to your student as well. If the Wifi speed isn’t fast enough, there will be lag on either end.
If things are lagging on either end, both you and the student will have to close all windows or apps using internet on all the surrounding devices (as these will cause the Wifi speed to slow down for the online lesson).
If you are concerned that your Wifi might not be fast enough, you can run a speed test by going to:
Anything lower than 60 Mbps is going to be unstable and (borderline too slow) for online lessons.


Go Slower
There will be lag, the best way to combat lag is to go a little bit slower than you normally go. Speak a little bit slower, demonstrate exercises a little bit slower than usual.
2. Play very simple accompaniments.
Demonstrate an arpeggio or nine tone scale and then just give students the chord, or a starting note for the exercise. Don’t attempt to play along with them — this will cause delay and will not synch up with the students singing. This will disrupt the student’s learning experience and make them question the value of online lessons.
3. Understand that there will be minor technological glitches and be patient, laugh them off. Stay zen!
4. Have students sing along with accompaniment tracks that they play on their end.
However, the track should not be playing from the same device they are using for the video interface. Some programs like Skype will cause the sound to cut out completely if you play music through the computer the student is using for the lesson. Outsource the accompaniment track to a phone or other external device.
5. If you are wanting to accompany students, keep it painfully simple.
Do not play any sort of fancy accompaniment, play very basic chords and simplify the accompaniment as much as possible.


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