NSND Lê Dung – Trăng Mờ Bên Suố 1997

Описание к видео NSND Lê Dung – Trăng Mờ Bên Suố 1997

Today, April 30, is Reunification Day in Vietnam, as well as my return to Vietnamese uploading after 2 copyright strikes. What better way to celebrate both occasions than NSND Lê Dung's beautiful singing of Lê Mộng Nguyên's classic song. Sài Gòn fell on April 30, 1975, as the American war in Vietnam ended, and Ho Chi Minh's forces reunited North and South Vietnam under communist rule (it had been divided in 1954 since the Geneva Accords)

Ho Chi Minh had died on September 2, 1969, 24 years after declaring Vietnam's independence from France at Ba Dinh Square in Hanoi on September 2, 1945. This had followed both France, since the 1850s, and then Japan for 5 months during 1945, occupying Vietnam. September 2 is therefore Vietnam's National day despite France reoccupying Vietnam from 1946 to 1954.

Returning to Trăng Mờ Bên Suố ... It was hearing Lê Dung singing this song that first drew me to her beautiful voice and music. While researching and uploading other songs by her, I came to understand more about Vietnam than I ever had before. Her songs enlightened me and corrected some misconceptions I previously had. I came to admire Hanoi and the North as much as I had Saigon and the South. Both are rich in culture and heart.

Thank you Lê Dung. Your songs took me on an extraordinary journey. Bless you so much. Biographical details of both Lê Dung (June 5, 1951- January 30th, 2001) and Lê Mộng Nguyên (May 5, 1930 - now) are inside the video itself.    • Chiều Phủ Tây Hồ - NSND Lê Dung [Offi...   is a wonderful live introduction to the charm of Lê Dung's singing and of Vietnamese culture.

Người hẹn cùng ta đến bên bờ suối
Rừng chiều mờ sương ánh trăng mờ chiếu
Một đêm thiết tha rồi đây xa cách
Rồi đây hai ngả biết tới phương nào?

Mịt mùng ngàn thâu suối mơ trầm lắng
Lòng buồn từ ly nhớ nhung chiều vắng
Người ơi nhớ khúc nhạc lòng đêm ấy
Ngàn đời vang nhắc bên suối trăng tà.

Suối mơ lời hẹn ước bên bờ suối xưa
Nhớ chăng người phương xa trong khói điêu tàn
Suối ơi vờn theo bóng trăng vàng ngày xanh
Nào những lúc trên thuyền say sưa nhìn trăng vừa lên
Ai hay chia lìa sương khói biên thuỳ
Hiu hắt người đi xa trường sa.

Một ngày xa nhau xoá bao hình bóng
Trời bày chia ly chi cho lòng héo
Giờ đây cách xa người quên hay nhớ
Ngày xưa còn đó trăng nước mong chờ.
Approximate Translation
Came for my date with the stream
Forest was dimly lit by the moonlight
A passionate night here far away
Which way do the two paths lead

Thousands of thorns and dreamy streams
Sadness from the memory of the afternoon
My dear, I remember the night's music
Thousands of lives still reminded me of the golden moon stream

Dreaming by the old stream of a promise
Remembering people far away in the smokey ruins
Oh stream, follow the yellow moon in the blueness
Whenever on the boat , eagerly look up at the moon
Whoever is parted in the smokey fog
Hurry away from it all

A day apart from how many shadows
Heaven shows separation for the withered heart
Now in the distance, people remember or forget
In the past, there was a moon in the water to look forward to.


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