Sonam Kachru, "The Truth about Poetry: Some Buddhist Fictions" (February 15, 2023)

Описание к видео Sonam Kachru, "The Truth about Poetry: Some Buddhist Fictions" (February 15, 2023)

This talk explores the nature and salience of poetry from the point of view of some Indian Buddhists, beginning with invocations of poetry as a natural phenomenon, found wherever humans exist, and invocations of poetry as a culturally specific achievement, sometimes expressive of, and sometimes in tension with, Buddhist normative ideals. But then we turn to stories in which the discovery of poetry counts as something of a world-historical event. We’ll listen as Rahul Sankrtyayan tells of the birth of Buddhist poetry in the civilizational contact of Greek and Indic cultures, and consider what Buddhists learnt about poetry—and art more generally—when one Buddhist succeeded in converting the devil.


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