Treatment of Blocked in Upper Lateral Incisors with Excessive Overjet|【Chris Chang Ortho】CC602

Описание к видео Treatment of Blocked in Upper Lateral Incisors with Excessive Overjet|【Chris Chang Ortho】CC602

A 15yr/o female sought treatment with chief complaints of flaring upper central incisors and blocked-in upper lateral incisors. Intra-oral examination revealed anterior crowding, bilateral congenital missing of lower second premolars and an excessive overjet of 9.5mm. The treatment was to bilaterally extract upper first premolars and apply bracket with the auxiliary of maxillary anterior bite turbo and class II elastics to reduce overjet.

一名15歲的女性患者因前牙突出和側門牙擁擠求診。口內檢查顯示病患前牙擁擠,先天缺失下排兩側的第二小臼齒,且overject過大(9.5mm)。治療計畫為拔除上排第一小臼齒和利用矯正器合併使用上排前牙 bite turbo及class II elastics,以減少overjet。


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