6 Habits That Are Undermining Your Femininity

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In today’s video I am going to talk about 6 habits that destroy your feminine energy and I am going to give you real examples from my own life.
So, lets start.
1. High amounts of stress:
The first thing will destroy your feminine energy is having too much stress in your life.
Feminine energy is a very calm, relaxed and worryfree type of energy by definition and that kind of energy cannot thrive in a stressed body.
Biologically, this is what stress does to us women, it messes up with our hormones to which we are very sensitive, by releasing a lot of cortisone and other stress hormones that completely hijack our nervous system.
So without realising it, it activates our fight-or-flight response because essentially our brain thinks it’s in danger, and it puts our body in an alert state.
And that translates into behaviours that are not very feminine such as being snappy, easily irritable, annoyed, constantly worried and unable to relax and appreciate simple and nice things in life
Stress also make women who are already more prone to anxiety and depression, more anxious and worried and less in the present moment and in the flow.
Now sometimes you have no control over the source of stress in your life, and in this case you just do the best you can to stay connected to your femininity.

2. Suppressing your intuition
One of the ways I lost my own femininity was by constantly ignoring and suppressing my intuition and relying on my brains to make decisions and assessments in my life.

I was raised to believe that rational thinking was superior to everything else and that if you cannot prove something with logic and facts, it does not exist.

And that belief caused me to suppress my intuition especially when it was sending me warnings and screaming alarm bells to me.

The more I ignored my feelings and used logic, the more robotic I became in my thinking and way of being and the less feminine I was.

And I also got myself into trouble many times because I ignored my intuition which was almost always right.

Female intuition is a real thing, it has been proven scientifically that women have a higher or a superior ability to read other people’s emotions.

So when women do not use that ability, they cut themselves off a core part of their femininity.

3. Being in survival mode
This is something I touched upon in a previous video and I am going to explain it again.
For women to be able to sit comfortably in their femininity, they need to feel safe and secure.

I came to this realisation because there was a period of my life where I was in survival mode in relation to money, I was living paycheck to paycheck and there were so many uncertainties in my life and I remember attracting only low value men at the time who were also in survival mode so they did not help me feel or be any more feminine.

4. Not having a self-care routine

Have you ever noticed how much better and how feminine yu feel when you get your hair or your nails done for example?
I am sure every woman experienced that feeling before.
And this tells us that there is a direct correlation between taking care of yourself and nurturing your feminine energy.
The effect of self-care on your feminine energy is also compounded whereby the more self-care you practice in your life, the more you believe you are deserving of it, the more accustomed you become to it and the more femininity you radiate.
Self-care really is key in maintaining and reinforcing you feminine energy.

5. Dressing up masculine

This one is another psychological trick that I had to learn the hard way when I found out that the way I used to dress and the colours that I used to wear regularly were affecting me subconsciously and making me lean more into my masculine energy.

When I was dressing up masculine, the clothes were leaving an imprint on your subconscious mind and in this case, masculine clothes tell your subconscious mind that now you need to switch to your masculine energy and start getting things done.



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