NEW VOGUE - Self-Titled

Описание к видео NEW VOGUE - Self-Titled

Montreal's New Vogue is one of those bands I couldn't hope to wrap my mind around even if I tried -- and believe me, I try really fucking hard. I find it difficult to piece together the right string of words that'd best describe the sound of a band so intrinsically... pronounced? Like, this tape is nutters. It fuckin' goes places, and like a well-prepped vagrant, New Vogue knows exactly where it's going with each and every stint of metallic, angular space-age punk featured on this debut album, individually separated by varying shades of instability and psychedelic-fueled paranoia. And, speaking as a casual listener, I wouldn't know where to begin when summing this tape up in as little words as possible. New Vogue is sheer chaos contained in a compact cassette, a duplicitous undertaking that regularly falters between ethereal, summery vibes and a new-wave punk intensity wreathed by whirling noisemakers, both preyed upon by deeply-distorted guitar tones of assorted flavors. For a sixteen minute tape, my first listen certainly felt a lot longer than that, and I'd credit it to the motley of textures that make up this truly psychotic EP. Come to think of it, New Vogue IS partly reminiscent of Montreal's Priors (, which this band shares a member with apparently.

Again, these words don't do this tape much justice. You'd be better off just listening to the thing on your own, or better yet, buying an actual copy yourself. Tapes will probably be added to their Bandcamp link sometime in the near future. Probably. Keep an ear to the ground for those.

Birdcage (Slap Yourself Free) - 0:00
Burnout - 2:21
The Stranger Inside - 4:39
Parasite You Terror - 8:27
Stripped Down Animals - 9:44
Space Junk - 11:23



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