Full Back Workout | Lats Workout - Traps Workout - Middle Back | V Traper

Описание к видео Full Back Workout | Lats Workout - Traps Workout - Middle Back | V Traper

Full Back Workout | Lats Workout - Traps Workout - Middle Back | V Traper
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#backworkout #UpperBack #lowerback #middleback

00:00 back workout wtih Dumbbells 💥
00:02 Dumbbell Pullover
00:35 Dumbbell Incline Row
01:03 Dumbbell One Arm Horizontal Row
01:29 Dumbbell One Arm Row
01:52 Dumbbell Bent Over Reverse Row

02:15 back workout wtih Barbell 💥
02:17 Barbell Bent Over Row
02:56 Lever Bent over Row (plate loaded)
03:28 Barbell Underhand Bent over Row
03:37 Landmine One Arm Bent Over Row

04:34 back workout wtih Cable 💥
04:36 Cable Seated Wide grip Row
05:07 Cable Kneeling One Arm Row
05:28 Cable Seated Row with V bar
06:09 Cable Pulldown

04:34 back workout wtih Machine 💥
06:46 Smith Single Arm Bent Over Row
07:23 Lever Row
08:00 Lever Pullover (plate loaded)
08:36 Lever Neutral Grip Seated Row


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