Wonder Mind, Brave Heart, and Mind Joy sit down every weekend for a chat and a nice cup of tea.

Описание к видео Wonder Mind, Brave Heart, and Mind Joy sit down every weekend for a chat and a nice cup of tea.

When I was first diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease I felt very alone in the world. As I often did when I didn't have what I needed, I created it. So Wonder Mind, Brave Heart and Mind Joy became my imaginary friends and when I needed to talk to someone I imagined I was talking to them. Sounds crazy, but it worked. I imagined they would invite me to their Sunday brunches where we would sit around a table festooned with local looms and share stories about our lives.
This three and a half minute film reminds me that imagination will always guide me, and that creative solutions ere possible no matter what my health limitations. So, as I traverse the often unstable and sometimes frightening territory of PD, I return over and over again to these inspiring ladies....


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