Medici — How to Play 🎲 and Is It a Gem? 💎

Описание к видео Medici — How to Play 🎲 and Is It a Gem? 💎

Medici, from Reiner Knizia and originally Amigo, is grouped in with Modern Art and Ra in his "auction trilogy" group of 90s masterpieces. In a series of once-around auctions, players bid on lots of goods of varying types and values. You want high values because the bonus for having the most valuable load is huge! But over the course of three rounds, you'll be advancing on tracks for the goods types, and being first in those (and reaching the ends of those tracks) really, really adds up. Money is points, so do your best to evaluate each lot — how much it's worth to you, and how much the next player is willing to pay...

"Is there a perfect game?" No, not to suit everyone's tastes. But from a design point of view, Medici in my opinion is about as close to perfection as a board game can be.

00:00 Intro ▶️
05:55 How to Play 🎲
14:30 Why It's a Gem 💎

Board Gems highlights older board and card games that are still great games today, and deserve to not be forgotten!

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Background Music:
Aarigod - Splendour

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