Vivo Barefoot Boot Comparison: Tracker II FG vs. Tracker Forest ESC

Описание к видео Vivo Barefoot Boot Comparison: Tracker II FG vs. Tracker Forest ESC

Another NinjaEveryday Ninja Gear Review!

Who wins in the battle of the boots?
When you aren't wearing tabi, what mission-ready boots do you rock?

I have been able to connect to a couple of brands I believe in and use to bring you guys some cool discounts and, in turn, receive a little support from the brands in return.

The first brand is a shoe company I have been a fan of for over four years. EarthRunners makes a minimalist-style sandal that I keep coming back to because they work as advertised. They are low profile, comfortable without being bulky, and stay in place. They provide a great grip on the rocks when I fish and explore in the mountains and allow my toes to spread naturally. I have done a few reviews on these sandals on my YouTube channel, but the best endorsement for these things is the sheer number of friends at our dojo who wear them. It is almost the “official ninja summer footwear” over here. If you check them out and decide to get a pair or two, please consider using this link: If you use this link, it supports us as EarthRunners pays us a small commission. If you get used to these, it will be hard to return to anything else.

The next brand that I have been able to gain an affiliation with is one that I gets me super excited. Origin, the maker of the best jiu-jitsu gi’s in the business, has given me the hookup. There are many reasons that I’m excited about this connection:
1. Professor Roy Dean, my jiu-jitsu instructor, is affiliated with them; these are the gi’s he wears.
2. In addition to gi’s and jiu-jitsu equipment, they have a supplement line that I have used for over two years (I take their krill oil).
3. They are now making what is looking like a pretty cool hunting line of camouflage gear.
4. Most importantly, they are making their stuff here in America. They are rebuilding NC mill towns and bringing back real manufacturing jobs to our country.
If you take a look at these guys, please use this link:
And if you decide on some gear, use the code “MERRITT10” at checkout for a discount. Using the link and the code prompts Origin to give us some monetary support in return.

If you follow me on Instagram, you have seen that I have been pushing some new NinjaEveryday T-shirts. If those interest you, we have several colors and styles and lots of cool Chapel Hill Quest merch. Check out our Shopify page here and grab some gear! https://chapel-hill-quest-martial-art...


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