Seth Godin: Imposter Syndrome, Getting Unstuck and The Practice

Описание к видео Seth Godin: Imposter Syndrome, Getting Unstuck and The Practice

For the last 30 years, Seth Godin has been turning on the lights for millions of people (myself included) through his blog, online courses, lectures, and 19 best-selling books. Yes- 19! If you’ve been following his work, you’ll know he’s one most brilliant marketing minds of our time. Now he’s out with his 20th book, The Practice: Shipping Creative Work.

If you’ve been listening to this podcast for awhile, you’ll know I’m a huge believer in nurturing a creative practice. So often we sit around wondering why we are stuck, why we lack inspiration or are simply avoiding getting started. The secret? A steady, regular and brave practice that will keep you creating, even through the muck. It’s working through those bad ideas and mediocre creations, that get you to your greatest work.

We cover a lot of ground in the episode and I’m excited for you to dig in. Some topics include:

How all criticism isn’t the same, and most of it isn’t valid
* The difference between skill vs talent
* Attitude and mental mindset
* Trusting yourself and learning to trust yourself over time
* Finding your voice
* and so much more


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Chase Jarvis is well known as a visionary photographer, fine artist and entrepreneur. Chase is cited as one of the most influential photographers of the past decade. As an entrepreneur, Chase created Best Camera - the world's first mobile photo app to share images direct to social networks - sparking the global photo sharing craze. He is currently the founder & CEO of CreativeLive, the world's largest live-streaming online education company, having delivered more than a billion minutes of free live education worldwide.


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