Caterham bonnet and nosecone tips

Описание к видео Caterham bonnet and nosecone tips

* See what we did there? 👃 🤣

There are a few different versions of bonnets and nosecones, largely influenced by the engines Caterham have used over the years. In today's video we're going to show you how to remove them, and provide some top tips along the way.

00:36 Bonnet catches
00:54 Important!
01:13 Top tip! Stop rattling spring fasteners
01:39 Removing the bonnet on a modern Caterham
02:08 Bonnet handling tips
03:05 Hanging
03:12 Nosecone fasteners
03:21 Ooo, goodies!
04:06 Putting it all back on
05:00 Aligning stripes
05:21 Dealing with carbs and fairings
06:05 Wrap up

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