How to Understand the Bible Properly (Part 1)

Описание к видео How to Understand the Bible Properly (Part 1)

This program introduces some foundational concepts that are the basis of how to understand the Bible. There's more to come. There is not enough accountability in religious discussions these days so I am trying to lay ground work for you to hold me accountable for being consistent in everything I teach. I want to make sure I am right about everything I say. The reason is three fold. First, James 3:1 says teachers will be held to a higher standard in the day of judgment and I want to be in good standing with God in every regard. Second, if we are going to conscientiously live as morally as possible, with biblical warnings in mind regarding the significance of doctrine and its entwined relationship with morals, we ought to make sure our doctrine is biblical. Otherwise, our efforts are meaningless. Third, I am airing my concern, disappointment and disagreements with most of the world's population. I'd better get it right and if I'm wrong won't somebody please help me. Additionally, the general concept regarding religious matters is that contradiction is acceptable and even encouraged. We don't accept this type of confusion in nearly any other facet of life. It is as though people believe that contradiction and confusion are the epitome of piety. There is a better way. It is New Testament Christianity. The countless recorded debates that churches of Christ have had over the past 200 years are a testament to the validity and superiority of the propositional approach to interpretation over subjective perspectives.

The concept of New Testament Christianity is virtually unknown in the world. The most liberal estimates I have found is that there are only about 10 million people globally that are committed to following the Bible as our only guide. These folks have hit upon something grand however. They have found that even in our modern society anyone can live according to the Bible. Generally, people disregard or ignore the Bible for a plethora of reasons, many of which seem very valid at first glance but they are short sighted. Typically, people do not study the Bible or read it thoroughly. Doing so gives one a refined perspective and for many, a life altering boon to their betterment emerges. Then comes the hard part. The decision to follow it. Though a New Testament Christian's way of life is imperceptible to many it can be lonely. For example, there are many who are the only members of the Church in their family. Many have left their friends, and associations with large Churches because they are more committed to God than Judeo-Christian religions, society, or popularity. Encouragement to stay the course is found throughout scripture.

Our plea is to encourage as many as will listen to abandon the irrationalities of Judeo-Christian Religions, as well as all others. To pick up the Bible, study it and implement it in their lives. This can be, and has been done autonomously many times over. The Bible supports this concept. Anyone can start a congregation or become a Christian anywhere without interaction from anyone else. It is my hope that someone might do that whether I know about it or not. May God bless you in your efforts to follow the Master.



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