快手椰香糯米糕,软糯弹牙椰香四溢,不用烤箱超级好做,朋友聚餐就带这个!上班族可以铺上粽叶秒变端午节简易版椰香粽子 Coconut Rice Cake,Chinese delicious dessert

Описание к видео 快手椰香糯米糕,软糯弹牙椰香四溢,不用烤箱超级好做,朋友聚餐就带这个!上班族可以铺上粽叶秒变端午节简易版椰香粽子 Coconut Rice Cake,Chinese delicious dessert

Coconut Rice cake ingredients:

350g of glutinous rice
400ml Coconut milk
50g Sugar
Some coconut shavings

Wash the glutinous rice,then add 1.5 x water to the amount of rice, cook in a rice cooker
Cover the bottome of the plate with oil
Bring the coconut milk to boil,and add 50g of sugar mix thoroughly
Now add in the cooked rice, continue heating the mixture for about 5 mins, and bring the heart down to medium, mix thoroughly, the mixture will start to dry up as we stir.
Spread the rice onto the plate evenly, thin the layer with your spatula and shape it too.
Continue to smooth the surface, make sure the thickness is even throughout and the surface is smooth.
Sprinkle on some coconut shavings be generous
Leave the mixture to cool for about 30mins
Cut into shape, dip the edge of the knife cold water will help it not sticking
Once cut, we will use the same knife dipped in water technique, to shape each block and make sure its cut properly.
Perfect for bringing to a dinner party!


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