Law of Gender: Mars & Venus - Uniting the Sacred Union; Divine Masculine & Feminine

Описание к видео Law of Gender: Mars & Venus - Uniting the Sacred Union; Divine Masculine & Feminine

🌟 Dive deep into the cosmic currents with us as we explore the esoteric significance behind the rise in transgender visibility and the healing of divine masculine and feminine energies! 🌟
✌️NOT WAR Hoodie 🔗👇
🔮 In this transformative journey, we dissect reactive patterns, unravel the psychology behind gender dynamics, and unveil the astrology making the month of May a huge chapter for this dynamic duo. 🔮
🪐 Join Brie, the founder of Stella Sage, as she guides you through a profound exploration of our collective psyche and the spiritual healing underway. 🪐
🌈 Are you ready to break free from the battle between sexes and step into a harmonious state of empowerment? Then let's embark on this enlightening journey together! 🌈
✨Topics Covered:
* Understanding gender through astrology
* Historical integration of gender in society
* Unveiling esoteric principles driving spiritual ascension
* Transits: BIG month for Mars and Venus in Astrology
* Balancing divine masculine and feminine energies
🔥 Don't miss out on this opportunity to tap into celestial synergy for your personal growth and empowerment! 🔥
🚀 Hit that subscribe button, like, and share to join our community of curious souls on the path to enlightenment! 🚀


✌️NOT WAR Hoodie 🔗

00:00 - Intro into Battle of to Sexes
01:39 - Role of Gender
02:49 - Video Outline
03:29 - Mars/Masculine Energy
04:11 - Venus/Feminine Energy
05:11 - Divine Duality
06:28 - The Problem
07:55 - Gender Roles in Society
09:25 - Reactive Patterns & Psychology
17:20 - Law of Gender & Unity Consciousness
20:11 - Sacred Geometry
22:06 - Cosmic Tale of Mars & Venus
22:33 - Ruling the Lunar Nodes
23:55 - Chiron Healing Toxic Masculinity
24:37 - Cazimi Chapters
26:33 - Cosmic Duo Conjunction
27:00 - May’s Astrology
28:05 - Tapping into this Celestial Synergy

#CosmicHealing #TransgenderVisibility #Astrology #SpiritualAwakening #PersonalDevelopment #Empowerment #GenderBalance #EsotericWisdom #SelfDiscovery #enlightenment #StellaSage


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