Margherita Wet plate Collodion negative

Описание к видео Margherita Wet plate Collodion negative

Wet plate collodion negatives are processed like an ambrotype, overexposed and developed with diluted and more acidic developers, to increase density. A negative like this can be easily printed in Silver gelatine paper. But if you want print with older techniques, like salted paper or Albumen print, the Density has to be further increased to fit the tonal range of these techniques.
There are two ways of increase density. One requires Iodine, and the other Copper Sulphate and Bromine. This second method is the topic of this movie. It is effective, because it gains high densities but cannot be controlled, as Iodine intensification does allow. It is however easier and quicker if compared to iodine method and can be preferred when one works around and no much time is available.


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