Two Month Old Shiba Inu Puppy's First Moments at Foreverhome - 2MO Panko Comes Home

Описание к видео Two Month Old Shiba Inu Puppy's First Moments at Foreverhome - 2MO Panko Comes Home

The first thing we did upon bringing Panko home was take him straight to the backyard in case he had to relieve himself. The relief walk was a bit anti-climatic, and all he ended up with was a dirty nose 😏.

We reused Tora's harness from when she was younger, and it barely fit Panko 😆... Meaty little doggo🍖.

Pardon the bleak backyard wasteland, we're in the process of growing out a new drought-resistant lawn and figuring out how to landscape the rest of the yard!
Panko (Pahn Ko), which means Breadcrumb (パン粉) in Japanese, is a purebred red Shiba Inu, and comes from a line of show dogs. He was deemed pet quality due to his overbite :( - but that's also why our breeder didn't keep him for herself, so :). Some of his unofficial nicknames (for training purposes, we don't address him with any of these), and the list has yet to grow the longer we've had him, are as follows:

Seagull (Makes seagull noises at time)
PangGou ("Fat Dog" in Mandarin)
Cousin (Animal Crossing Reference)
Legitimate Art Dealer (Animal Crossing Reference)

He was born on 5/24/24 and has been with us since 7/19/24. Please subscribe if you wish to continue seeing him grow - in age, size, and naughtiness :)

Instagram: @PankoUnko

If you like cats, please check out Panko's sister Tora too!

Instagram: @ToraCrossing
Youtube: ‪@ToraCrossing‬


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