[為食派] 免焗伯爵朱古力慕斯蛋糕 No-Bake Chocolate earl grey mousse with mirror glaze

Описание к видео [為食派] 免焗伯爵朱古力慕斯蛋糕 No-Bake Chocolate earl grey mousse with mirror glaze

伯爵茶的茶香味和朱古力可以說是絕配, 再配上一層朱古力鏡面, 整個華麗感覺提升! 這是個適合新手的食譜, 沒有用到食物温度計把朱古力準確調溫, 因為考慮到很多家裏也沒有, 希望大家會喜歡! :)

如果不喜歡黑朱古力, 可以換成牛奶朱古力!

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Hope you enjoy watching the recipe, feel free to subscribe and like this video, I am on facebook and instagram as well if you would like more updates! Thanks for watching!
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Earl Grey Chocolate Mousse Cake

份量: 6吋蛋糕 6-inch cake

材料 ingredients:

餅底 Crust:
牛油 Butter 30克g
消化餅乾 Digestive Biscuits 5塊pieces (63克g)

朱古力慕斯 Chocolate Mousse:
黑朱古力 Dark Chocolate 125克g
淡忌廉 Whipping Cream 125毫升ml
魚膠片 Gelatin Sheet 1片piece (2克g)
淡忌廉 Whipping Cream (打發to be whipped) 125毫升ml

伯爵慕斯 Earl Grey Mousse:
牛奶 Milk 100克g
淡忌廉 Whipping Cream 25毫升ml
糖 Sugar 20克g
伯爵茶包 Earl Grey Tea Bag 2個
淡忌廉 Whipping Cream (打發to be whipped) 125毫升ml
魚膠片 Gelatin Sheet 1.5片pieces (3克g)

朱古力鏡面 Chocolate Mirror Glaze:
水 Water 95毫升ml
糖 Sugar 168克g
黑朱古力(切碎) Finely chopped Dark Chocolate 113克g
可可粉 Cocoa Powder (過篩sifted) 23克g
淡忌廉 Whipping Cream 50亳升ml
魚膠片 Gelatin Sheets 3片 pieces(6克g)

朱古力片 Chocolate pieces (裝飾用 for Decoration):
白朱古力(切碎) Finely chopped White Chocolate 40克g
黑朱古力(切碎) Finely chopped Dark Chocolate 70克g

Music: Courtesy of Hooksounds: https://www.hooksounds.com


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