Chinese Podcast #67: Why Chinese people are hardworking? 为什么中国人都是工作狂?

Описание к видео Chinese Podcast #67: Why Chinese people are hardworking? 为什么中国人都是工作狂?

Why Chinese people are hardworking?Why do many Chinese people avoid seeking medical help until it's too late? Why is work often prioritized over health? In today's episode, we delve into this compelling cultural phenomenon, and we will unravel the intricate layers of this aspect of Chinese culture from our own experience. Do similar patterns exist in your country, where the relentless pursuit of work eclipses concerns for personal well-being? How is work-life balance perceived in your culture? We invite you to share your thoughts with us. Join us for this thought-provoking discussion, exploring the intricate balance between work, health, and cultural perceptions, right here on our podcast channel! 在中国,为什么工作经常被优先考虑,而健康却被忽视?为什么中国人讳疾忌医?为什么很多中国人不做体检,不去医院,直到病入膏肓才感叹为时已晚?在本期节目中,我们将探讨这个中国文化现象的复杂层面。在你的国家,很多人也努力工作而忽视健康吗?在你的国家,大家对待工作的态度又是如何?在您的文化中,人们如何看待工作与生活的平衡?我们邀请您与我们分享您的想法。加入我们,参与这个发人深省的讨论,一同探讨工作、健康和文化观念之间微妙的平衡,就在我们的播客频道上!

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