Final Fantasy III PSP - Optional Boss: Iron Giant

Описание к видео Final Fantasy III PSP - Optional Boss: Iron Giant

Iron Giant has 199.999 HP, a huge attack stat and some really big defense. Normal Attacks (at least from my Dragoon and Black Belt) don't really work even at level 99, so I went for the following strategy:

Viking (with two shields)

Set all characters to the backrow to reduce the damage taken by his physical attacks.
The Viking (in that case Luneth) can provoke the Iron Giant, resulting that his physical hits will only target the provoker. Meteor and Swipe still attacks anybody. Also, cast Protect or use an Turtle Shell on the Viking.

The Magus casts Flare and the Ninja throws Shurikens. Apparently, his magical defense isn't as high as his physical defense and Shurikens somehow bypass his defense for some reason. The Devot should always heal your entire party with Curaja.

This fight isn't really that hard with the optimal setup.

And that was FF3. Overall, I somehow liked FF1 and FF2 more and found both of them more accessible, but it was still an okay game.


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