3D Printed Bullet Feeder - Final Design Walkthrough

Описание к видео 3D Printed Bullet Feeder - Final Design Walkthrough

A brief but slightly rambling explanation of the operation of the bullet feeder with some close-up shots of the mechanism followed by showing the feeder in action and feeding a few bullets on the press.

16/07/15 - Edit: Several other people have successfully printed and assembled the latest version of the design so I decided to stop procrastinating and put the files up for public consumption! They're available at https://github.com/jbea035/BulletFeeder . I've put them up under a Creative Commons license which allows free and open non-commercial use and modification. If you have any suggestions, requests or general feedback, feel free to add me on Google+ and drop me a line. If you pick up the files and modify them, please let me know so I can fold the changes back into the original design.


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