Australian Ravens, Magpies and Wattlebirds chilling out

Описание к видео Australian Ravens, Magpies and Wattlebirds chilling out

Southwestern Magpies are a subspecies of Australian Magpies which can only be found in the south western part of Western Australia. In the early morning when the sky is still dark and the chill of the night lingers in the shadows, the Ravens, Magpies and other birds like to sit on the bare branches of dead trees to soak up the warmth of the rising sun. The wattlebirds, being large honeyeaters are always hyperactive, probably on a sugar hit and looking for another fix. They often harass the larger birds. Australian Wood Ducks build their nests on trees and often spend the night high up in the canopy safe from predators. The Ravens tend to be quite vocal during this time, probably asserting their territory, before getting back to the business of looking for something to fill their rumbling stomach. And so another day begins...



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