Originally airing from January 4th 1958 to September 23rd 1961, "Sea Hunt" ran for a total of 4 seasons and 1 hundred 55 episodes. The series follows Mike Nelson, a former Navy frogman, a member of the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary, and free-lance scuba diver. A well-known expert on diving, he's often called on for difficult and dangerous projects, such as outmaneuvering villains, salvaging nuclear missiles, and rescuing citizens trapped underwater. Throughout his adventures, Mike Nelson encounters a variety of now classic and antique cars. Today, we're taking a look at the cars of, "Sea Hunt". Let's begin.
Classic cars, Sea Hunt, Sea Hunt TV series, Sea Hunt episodes, Classic cars of Sea Hunt, Antique cars, Vintage cars, Sea Hunt Lloyd bridges, Lloyd bridges, 1949 Buick Super, 1957 Ford Custom, 1956 MG A MkI, 1959 Buick Invicta, 1960 Buick LeSabre, 1958 Dodge Coronet, 1961 Dodge Dart Seneca, 1960 Dodge Dart Phoenix, 1957 Ford Thunderbird, 1951 Jaguar, 1958 Pontiac Bonneville, 1946 Chevy Fleetline Sportmaster, 1946 Chevy Fleetline Sportmaster, 1955 Chevy Task-Force, 1957 Pontiac Chieftain Safari, Willys MB Jeep, 1948 Willys Jeep CJ-2A, 1961 Buick LeSabre, 1960 Chrysler New Yorker Town & Country, 1957 Dodge Custom Royal Lancer, 1941 Dodge WC 9, 1956 Ford F-100 Panel, 1952 Nash Ambassador, 1958 Plymouth Custom Suburban, 1951 Jaguar Mark 7,
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