手揉咖椰金瓜包做法!松软绵密不塌陷,漂亮又好吃到停不下来!Pumpkin Kaya Buns Recipe | 傻大姐美食厨房

Описание к видео 手揉咖椰金瓜包做法!松软绵密不塌陷,漂亮又好吃到停不下来!Pumpkin Kaya Buns Recipe | 傻大姐美食厨房

   / @shadajie-kitchen  


* 雞蛋:4粒
* 椰糖:170克
* 椰奶:200毫升
* 班蘭葉:適量(2-3片)
* 水:50毫升
1. 將雞蛋、椰糖、椰奶、班蘭葉和水全部放入Itazzo智能養生機。
2. 設定程序設定智能養生機到速8號,攪拌並加熱20分鐘,直至咖椰醬變得順滑濃稠。
3. 咖椰醬稍微放涼後,即可裝入瓶中保存。或抹麵包/做包點的餡料。


* 金瓜:180克(切塊)
* 包粉:280克(過篩)
* 泡打粉:1茶匙
* 酵母:1茶匙
* 砂糖:40克
* 食油:1茶匙
* 水:45-50毫昇(慢慢加,適量)
* 咖椰醬:適量
1. 準備金瓜泥將金瓜去皮切塊,蒸至軟熟。
2. 製作金瓜泥將蒸熟的金瓜和砂糖一起放入i-Processor智能養生機(幹磨盃),按 Auto攪拌,直到金瓜變成細滑的泥狀。
3. 混合麵團材料在一個大碗中,加入過篩後的包粉、泡打粉、酵母、金瓜泥和水,用手攪拌均勻。待材料成團後,加入1茶匙食油,揉成稍微溼軟的麵團,發酵20分鐘(蓋上蓋子)
4. 棧闆上撒少許幹粉,取出麵團,揉至麵團光滑有彈性且不黏手(約10-15分鐘)。
5. 發酵後將麵團取出,排出空氣,將麵團分成均勻的小份,每份約40克。揉成小球,備用
6. 將鬆弛好的麵團按扁,包入1大匙咖椰醬,捏緊收口。包好的麵團放入蒸籠
7. 在蒸籠中靜置二次發酵20-30分鐘,直到麵團體積變大。
8. 鍋中加水,放入包子,冷水下鍋,開大火蒸15分鐘。
9. 蒸熟後關火,稍微開小縫稍微放涼
10. 即可享用

1. 小貼士:
* 咖椰醬可以根據個人口味調整使用量,喜歡餡多的可以多加一些。

*Traditional Kaya Recipe*

- Eggs: 4
- Palm sugar: 170g
- Coconut milk: 200ml
- Pandan leaves: 2-3 pieces
- Water: 50ml

1. Place all ingredients (eggs, palm sugar, coconut milk, pandan leaves, and water) into the Itazzo smart health machine.
2. Set the machine to speed 8 and blend while heating for 20 minutes until the kaya becomes smooth and thick.
3. Let the kaya cool slightly, then transfer it to a jar for storage, or use it as a spread or filling for buns.


*Pumpkin Kaya Buns Recipe*

- Pumpkin: 180g (cut into pieces)
- Bun flour: 280g (sifted)
- Baking powder: 1 tsp
- Yeast: 1 tsp
- Sugar: 40g
- Cooking oil: 1 tsp
- Water: 45-50ml (add gradually as needed)
- Kaya: as desired

1. *Prepare pumpkin puree:* Peel and cut the pumpkin into pieces, then steam until soft.
2. *Make pumpkin puree:*
Place the steamed pumpkin and sugar into the i-Processor (dry mill) and blend using the Auto setting until smooth.
3. *Mix dough ingredients:*
In a large bowl, combine the sifted Pao flour, baking powder, yeast, pumpkin puree, and water. Mix by hand until a dough forms. Add 1 tsp of oil and knead until slightly soft. Let it rise for 20 minutes (cover with a lid).
4. *Knead the dough:*
Sprinkle a little flour on a board, take out the dough, and knead until smooth, elastic, and non-sticky (about 10-15 minutes).
5. *Shape the dough:*
After the dough has risen, punch out the air, then divide it into small portions (about 40g each). Shape into small balls.
6. *Fill the buns:*
Flatten each dough ball, add 1 tablespoon of kaya, and seal the edges. Place the filled buns in a steamer.
7. *Second rise:*
Let the buns rest in the steamer for a second fermentation for 20-30 minutes until they double in size.
8. *Steam the buns:*
Add water to a pot, place the steamer with the buns inside, and steam over high heat for 15 minutes.
9. *Cool slightly:*
After steaming, turn off the heat and leave the lid slightly open to cool.
10. Enjoy!


- You can adjust the amount of kaya filling according to your preference. If you like more filling, feel free to add extra!


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#Itazzo I-Processor


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