Описание к видео 漫遊台東:思考新生活 | THE NEW NORMAL + TRAVEL TAITUNG

#Taitung #Chishang Township #池上鄉
IG @wesofthesun
I spent last weekend traveling around the beautiful Taitung County, on the east coast of Taiwan. I had heard this place was worth a visit, but it turned out to be more gorgeous than I could have imagined. I saw the Sanxiantai Bridge, as well as venturing into the rice paddies in the ChiShang District. I will d efinitely have to return to this part of the country sooner, rather than later.

I also took some time to discuss my thoughts on the current state of the world. Of course, there is a lot of heartache happening right now, but perhaps we can use this point in history to learn a few lessons, and create a better world for our kids, and our planet.


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