Линшань может бросить вызов Небесному Суду, Махакала и Дакини незаменимы.

Описание к видео Линшань может бросить вызов Небесному Суду, Махакала и Дакини незаменимы.


Dakini is a female deity who has great strength and can fly in the air, hence the name. In Tantra of Tibetan Buddhism, Dakini is the goddess representing wisdom and compassion.
Dahetian was originally the incarnation of Brahman Shiva (that is, Dazizaitian), and was later absorbed by Buddhism and became the guardian deity of Buddhism. Especially in Tantric Buddhism, Dahetian is an important Dharma protector and a medical god who specializes in curing diseases. and the god of wealth. Tibetan Buddhism believes that Mahakala is the wrathful appearance shown by Vairocana Buddha (or Dari Tathagata) when he casts down demons. There are six-armed, four-armed and two-armed Mahakala.


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