Zero-sum game

Описание к видео Zero-sum game

The idiom "Zero-sum game" is used to describe a situation where one person's gain is directly balanced by another person's loss. It implies that the total gains and losses in the situation add up to zero, hence the term "zero-sum." In other words, for someone to win, someone else must lose an equal amount.
This idiom is often used to describe competitive situations where there are limited resources or opportunities. Here are a few examples to help illustrate the meaning:
1. Sports Competition: In a tennis match, there is one winner and one loser. If Player A wins the match, Player B automatically loses. The total outcome is zero-sum because one person's gain (Player A's victory) is directly balanced by the other person's loss (Player B's defeat).
2. Job Promotion: Imagine there is only one promotion available at work. If one employee gets promoted, it means that all other employees who were also in the running for the promotion lose out. The promotion becomes a zero-sum game because one person's gain (the promoted employee) is offset by the losses of the other candidates.
3. Business Negotiations: In some business deals, there is a fixed amount of money or resources available to be divided between two parties. If one party manages to secure a larger share, it means the other party receives less. The negotiation becomes a zero-sum game because any gain by one party is directly balanced by the loss of the other party.
4. International Trade: In certain trade scenarios, one country's increase in exports may lead to another country's decrease in exports. For example, if Country A imposes tariffs on goods imported from Country B, it may benefit domestic producers in Country A but harm exporters in Country B. The trade relationship becomes a zero-sum game because any gain in one country's economy is offset by the loss in the other country's economy.
It is important to note that not all situations in life are zero-sum games. Many situations can be win-win, where both parties can benefit. However, the idiom "zero-sum game" specifically refers to situations where one person's gain is directly balanced by another person's loss.


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