槐花麦饭的做法 Sophora japonica /Huaihua Maifan 关键是自家的树刚开花, 及时享用. 那种感觉是没法形容的.

Описание к видео 槐花麦饭的做法 Sophora japonica /Huaihua Maifan 关键是自家的树刚开花, 及时享用. 那种感觉是没法形容的.

槐花麦饭 一年一次, 好闻好看又好吃 你想吃吗? 2020-06--06

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关键是自家的树刚开花, 及时享用. 那种感觉是没法形容的.每年这时间都会做几次 香喷喷的 槐花麦饭. 最好吃的槐花是含苞待放,没有完全绽放的那种,香味最浓郁. 我在我家的槐树上亲手摘的.

挑拣好的槐花洗净控干水分,然后在槐花中拌上面粉,以不粘手为宜,调少许盐, 放入锅中大火蒸15分钟,出锅用筷子搅散后拌上家常三合油即可,
或者有的人口味重, 用油泼蒜和油辣椒蒜苗炒炒吃也很香哦
槐花 适量(选的槐花最好是半开的, 花还没开的时候, 鲜嫩好吃)
面粉 适量
盐 少许
酱油 1tbsp / 香醋 1tsb / 麻油1tsb

晚上又煮了槐花稀饭, 糯米 水 槐花 也很香, 很好吃哦.

Huaihua Maifan Once a year, it smells good and delicious, do you want to eat it? 2020-06--06
The key is that my own tree has just bloomed and I can enjoy it in time. That kind of feeling can't be described. The fragrant locust blossom rice is made several times at this time of the year. The best locust blossom is the bud, which is not fully bloomed. It has the most intense fragrance. I picked it on my locust tree.
Wash the selected Huaihua to control the moisture, then mix the flour in the Huaihua, not sticking your hands, adjust a little salt, steam it in the pot for 15 minutes, stir it with chopsticks and mix it with homely. Sanhe oil is enough,
I eat it without putting anything, it is very fragrant and very delicious.
Or some people have a strong taste, it is very fragrant to stir fry with garlic and oil chili garlic


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