Twisted Metal PS3 Darkside Tournament Playthrough HD

Описание к видео Twisted Metal PS3 Darkside Tournament Playthrough HD

This version of Darkside was criticized for looking too slim for a semi and I agreed it does looks slim. A truck that was said to be low tier and needed more buffs but in reality it's one of the best cars in the game. The only buff I'm aware off is the 280 health. It originally had 275. At first you would think the special is bad when you're not aware of the built in turbo dash that the special has. You can perform a turbo dash with the special without consuming any turbos shown at the beginning. The ram can hit more than one car if they are close to each other. I use to think Darkside's special wasn't unique because every car can turbo dash. The trigun is the long range attack for cars that are running away or if you think you can't land the ram depending on the situation. It's also good for killing cars that are almost dead.

Thrill and Spill 6:31

LA Skyline 15:52

Diesel City 20:33

Watkyn's Harbor 27:24

Diablo Pass 34:24

Metro Square 41:40

Black Rock Stadium 47:17

Iron Maiden 54:10


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