Aquarius - Moog Matriarch & Mother 32 live Improvisation patch

Описание к видео Aquarius - Moog Matriarch & Mother 32 live Improvisation patch

Patch Notes: Arp gate out to 2nd mult, arp CV to gate in of mod, S/H out of mod to LFO rate in, Wave out of mod to mult 1, mult 1 outs to osc 1, 2, and 3 PWM in, Mult 2 to PWM of osc , VCF 1 out to Filter trigger in, LFO tri out to mult of Mother 32 1, Mult 2 (matriarch) o Tempo of Mother 32 1, Mother 32 1 mult to VCO mod and VCA CV, Mother 32 2 Gate to mult, mult 1 to Mother 32 1 LFO rate, mult 2 to M32 2 LFO rate, Mother 32 2 Assignable output to Ext audio of Mother 32 1.

A relaxing patch getting the Matriarch and two Mother 32s to talk to each other and create some cinematic textures. More suggestions of other combination possibilities welcome! Looking forward to trying this type of approach with the DFAM too for something more percussive.

#moogsynthesizers #moogmatriarch #moogsynth #semimodularsynthesis


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