Andromeda: Ambient Moog Matriarch Generative Patch

Описание к видео Andromeda: Ambient Moog Matriarch Generative Patch

A relaxing generative Matriarch patch made using a four voice chord sequence. The LFO is creating some delicate modulation from the S/H output, and the step modulation is sending velocity to three of the oscillators. The whole patch is running through the gorgeous Andromeda preset from the Valhalla Supermassive plugin. Hope you enjoy and it makes a space for calm and reflection :)

Patch notes for reference, left to right of synth:

Arp/Seq section: Gate out to Sync in of Modulation
Modulation: S/H out to Rate In of LFO, Wave out to input of lower attenuator. (Waveform: Staircase, pitch mod assign All, Pitch amount 0%, Cutoff amount 0%, Pulse width amount 70%).
Utilities: Lower attenuator output to higher attenuator input (Set lower attenuator to 10% above zero and same for upper). Output of higher attenuator into mult. Other 3 outputs of mult to Lin FM in of Oscillators 1, 2, and 3.
Oscillators: 1 set to 8', 2 set to 8', 3 set to 16', 4 set to 4'. Frequency = 0 for all. All set to triangle wave apart from Oscillator 1: square.
Mixer: Noise = 0%, All oscillators mixed to 50%
Filters: Cutoff 1 in, cutoff 2 in, and env amt in, to mult in next set of utilities. Cutoff variable but high. Resonance 0% for both filters. Spacing 20% higher than 0 and same for Envelope amount. Keyboard tracking 30%.
Utilities: LFO tri out to input of Attenuator. LFO rate 40%. Attenuator output to remaining mult input. Attenuator 20% above 0.
Envelope Generators: Filter: Attack 70%, Decay: 70%, Sustain 40%, Release 30%
Amplitude: Attack 5%, Decay: 20%, Sustain 40%, Release 30%
Stereo Delay: Time high, Spacing 20% below 0, Feedback 50%, Mix 40%
VCA mode: Split
Paraphony: 4 voice

#moogmatriarch #ambientrelaxingmusic #moogsynth


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