Ayurvedic Massage Oils, EP38 Ayurvedic Lifestyle Tips with Lala Naidu

Описание к видео Ayurvedic Massage Oils, EP38 Ayurvedic Lifestyle Tips with Lala Naidu

Ayurvedic oils or thailams are medicated oils and come in many varieties to support the health and healing of wide-ranging conditions. Thailams are an Ayurvedic specialty, no other system of healing uses this many different herbs in an oil base.1

Sesame or tila oil is the classical base oil of Ayurvedic medicine, but varying oils are selected based on the individual’s dosha and the condition being treated.

Mahanarayan oil – maha means “great” or “king” and naryana is a form of the god Vishnu “the preserver”. It’s a nourishing and strengthening oil with rejuvenating and analgesic qualities, and is used to soothe sore muscles and joints and lubricate stiffness.

Dhanwantram oil – Dhanvantri is the god of Ayurveda, and the physician of the devas in Hinduism. Dhanvanram thailam contains 28 different herbs and is used for many disorders, predominantly vata conditions including backache, general muscular pains and weakness, osteoarthritis, etc.

Bala-Ashwagandha oil – Ashwagandha rejuvenates both the muscular and nervous systems. Bala means strength and supports muscle building and stamina.

Kshirabala oil – contains processed cow’s milk and bala as its primary herb and is used in vata and pitta conditions. Kshirabala oil supports healthy nervous system functioning and is used in neuropathy, convulsive disorders and chronic phase of all degenerative and demyelination diseases.

Kumkumadi thailam oil - is made using saffron or “kumkuma” along with 25 other ingredients. When applied every night on the facial skin it is said to make the skin glow like gold.

Lala Naidu loves and celebrates Life, and is on a mission to share simple lifestyle practices that when practiced regularly can have a major impact on physical, mental and emotional well-being. Since 2003, she has worked with wellness, running nutrition-focused businesses in Los Angeles and Maui, and has had the pleasure of supporting many in making positive shifts in lifestyle habits.

Lala’s current offerings include:
• Ayurvedic Nutrition and Herbal Medicine
• Self-Care Rituals and Lifestyle
• Therapeutic Body Treatments


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