📌 Build your producer/consumer model with modules and templates

Описание к видео 📌 Build your producer/consumer model with modules and templates

Join us in this webinar to discover how you can create your own producer - consumer workflow where those who traditionally don't create, maintain & worry about the IaC & Terraform, can be autonomous to deploy & destroy their own cloud infrastructure stack.

You’ll learn how to build:
❶ Scalable architectures with Terraform vanilla resource and also modules then templatize it all.
❷ Multi-environments strategy for any cloud infrastructure.
❸ Control & approval mechanisms through CI/CD and drift detection. How to shorten the feedback loop.

00:00:00 Introduction
00:01:45 What is Brainboard?
00:03:50 Producer-consumer: What & Why?
00:06:30 Types of implementation on #Azure
00:13:15 Who does what?
00:18:00 Infrastructure workflow & Maintenance
00:22:40 The role of the CI/CD
00:32:00 Modules & templates lifecycle
00:41:10 How to scale your work?

#terraform #cicd #producer #consumer #selfservice #infrastructureascode


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