📌 Secrets in IaC and how to build a secure cloud infrastructure by design

Описание к видео 📌 Secrets in IaC and how to build a secure cloud infrastructure by design

📌 How to manage secrets in IaC & build secure cloud infrastructures by design?
😍 6 key takeaways from the live community event

One of the crucial aspects when building cloud infrastructure with IaC is sensitive information. It includes the architecture of the infrastructure, the secrets, data accessibility…and manipulating this sensitive information should be done by design. Because building and managing cloud infrastructures with IaC is not just a bunch of Terraform files.

That’s why we decided to share knowledge with the community and help mature the way we design, deploy and maintain infrastructure, especially in a fast-moving industry where there are new cloud resources, new technologies, and new threats almost every day.

✅ At the end of this training you should know about:

❶ What is the sensitive information of cloud infrastructures?

❷ How to manage secrets with IaC?

❸ Security Landscape

❹ Security best practices regarding sensitive information

❹ Real-life use cases: Azure key vault and AWS KMS

❹ Complete demo about Brainboard


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