#58 【日本刀専門店 銀座長州屋】なんだこりゃ! 聖徳太子の時代の刀! これが元祖日本刀?

Описание к видео #58 【日本刀専門店 銀座長州屋】なんだこりゃ! 聖徳太子の時代の刀! これが元祖日本刀?

#日本刀 #日本刀販売品 #頭椎大刀 #日本刀銀座 #日本刀東京 #刀剣 #上毛野氏

日本刀専門店 銀座長州屋 提供
解説 深海信彦
アシスタント 今津
編集 今津 寺尾

年十二回発行 年間費5000円(送料含)

The series on ancient swords enters the Asuka period (6th century) when Prince Shōtoku lived. In the previous episode #57, we looked at two swords from the same era as the important cultural properties (the Heishi Shōrin Ken and the Shichisei Ken) believed to have been worn by Prince Shōtoku. In this episode, we focus on and introduce the exterior fittings (koshirae) that hold the blade. From an era when high-end swords were generally imported from the continent, we finally see the emergence of an "original Japanese" style in this period—?! Don't miss the appearance of the "original Japanese sword"!


Prince Shōtoku (聖徳太子): A prominent figure in Japanese history, known for his influential role in the spread of Buddhism and Chinese culture in Japan.
Heishi Shōrin Ken (丙子椒林剣): A famous ancient Japanese sword, literally meaning "Hinoe-Ne (year of the fire rat) Shōrin sword".
Shichisei Ken (七星剣): Another famous ancient Japanese sword, literally meaning "Seven Stars sword".
Koshirae (拵): The term for the ornate mountings of a Japanese sword, including the tsuba (guard), handle, and scabbard.


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