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FULL VIDEOS OF Hannah Critchlow
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Some say that humans are born with a destiny. If so, then when is our fate decided? With neuroscience, Hannah Critchlow answers this question that has no definitive answer. Speaking about the future of a person using neuroscience, she argues that most of our actions have already been predetermined. In contrast to the common belief that humans are born with free will, she says humans are affected by biological elements.

So how do we define the self? Are all my thoughts and decisions predestined? We may feel a sense of hopelessness if we stop here. Critchlow emphasizes the need to break away from the concept that fate determines everything. That's because we have our brains. The answer that can change our future is in the "brain," which accounts for only 2% of our total body mass.

Hannah explains the human body, brain, and mind everyday language based on what neuroscience has uncovered. We will contemplate on how to get away from our predestined fate and make our future a better one.

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