Flight 14, July 8 2024, Falcon 2 195, LMFP

Описание к видео Flight 14, July 8 2024, Falcon 2 195, LMFP

First time back since a little over two weeks.

Oh, man. I thought I'd landed in the target, but I had one foot on the outer circle and one foot outside it. Still, I'm happy that I very nearly got it!

I thought the air was smooth, but watching the video, I can see the occasional push and shove. I think I'm simply getting used to minor changes in the air. (I think it's kind of like how you don't notice your car is always going up, down, and swaying as you drive down a road--none of which are perfectly level and smooth--until you really pay attention to it.)

My last trip out, I wasn't crossing my legs in the new knee-hanger harness--and I noticed that on the video and made a mental note to address it. It has been addressed. :)

Two things to work on from this video: (1) No need to pull in so hard as that just burns up altitude and (2) Try to make smoother transitions from horizontal to vertical body positioning (sloppy and wobbly).


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