184 # बुद्ध तथा उनके सन्देश- जानिए अयोध्या की हकीकत और गौरवशाली इतिहास , साकेत नगरी Saket History

Описание к видео 184 # बुद्ध तथा उनके सन्देश- जानिए अयोध्या की हकीकत और गौरवशाली इतिहास , साकेत नगरी Saket History


Saketa is also an old name for the ancient city of Ayodhya, an important Hindu religious place, the capital of Kosala and the birthplace of Lord Rama, the hero of epic Ramayana. Also Ajanavana, an ancient forest (deer park) near Saket (Ayodhya) was where Gautam Buddha once stayed and preached. Visakha also known as Migaramata, was a wealthy aristocratic woman who lived during the time of Gautama Buddha. Jetavana Monastery.Buddhism, giving her the nickname Migaramata, Visakha was the Buddha's greatest patron and benefactor along with her male counterpart, Anathapindika.Stupa of Visakha, where her ashes were interred, in Sravasti Visakha met Gautama Buddha at the age of seven, when he was visiting her hometown. When the Buddha taught her she achieved sotapanna, a stage of enlightenment. Over the next two weeks, Mendaka invited the Buddha and his monks to eat at his house daily.Visakha moved later in life when King Pasenadi of Kosala heard about this family of special merit. King Pasenadi requested that his brother in law, King Bimbisara, send him some of the people of special merit in his kingdom so his subjects could see their example. King Bimbisara obliged and had Visakha and her father and mother moved to the city of Saketa (present day Ayodhya), near the Kosalan capital of Savatthi.Ashoka The grandson of the founder of the Maurya Dynasty, Chandragupta Maurya, Ashoka promoted the spread of Buddhism across ancient Asia Asvaghosa or Ashvaghosha was a Buddhist philosopher, dramatist, poet and orator from India. He was born in Saketa in northern India. He is believed to have been the first Sanskrit dramatist, and is considered the greatest Indian poet prior to Kalidasa.He wrote an epic life of the Buddha called Buddha Charita (Acts of the Buddha) Faxian was a Chinese Buddhist monk and translator who traveled by foot from Ancient China to Ancient India, His journey is described in his important travelogue, A Record of Buddhist Kingdoms, Vasubandhu an influential Buddhist monk and scholar from Gandhara. He was a philosopher who wrote commentary on the Abhidharma, from the perspectives of the Sarvastivada After his conversion to Mahayana Buddhism, along with his half brother, Asanga, he was also one of the main founders of the Yogacara school. Vasubandhu thus became a major Mahayana master, scholar and debater, famously defeating the Samkhya philosophers in debate in front of the Gupta king Vikramaditya at Ayodhya, who is said to have rewarded him with 300,000 pieces of gold.Vasubandhu used the money he made from royal patronage and debating victories to build Buddhist monasteries and hospitals. Xuanzang was a Chinese Buddhist monk, scholar, traveller, and translator who travelled to India in the seventh century and described the interaction between Chinese Buddhism and Indian Buddhism during the early Tang dynasty. The Vishnu Hari inscription (or Hari-Vishnu inscription) is the name given to a Sanskrit language inscription found in the Uttar Pradesh state of India. It records the construction of a temple by Anayachandra; a feudatory of the king named Govinda Chandra, The inscription is said to have been found among the debris of the mosque in Ayodhya Hindu temple marking the birthplace of the Hindu deity Rama (an incarnation of Vishnu). Those who believe that a temple existed at the mosque site consider the inscription as evidence of their claim, identifying the king as the 12th century Gahadavala king Govinda Chandra.Major General Sir Alexander Cunningham was history and archaeology of India. In 1861, he was appointed to the newly created position of archaeological surveyor to the government of India; and he founded and organised what later became the Archaeological Survey of India


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