Efficacious Prayer to St Mary Magdalene, Emotional, Inner, Physical Healing,Breaking Virus Epidemics

Описание к видео Efficacious Prayer to St Mary Magdalene, Emotional, Inner, Physical Healing,Breaking Virus Epidemics

Unfailing Prayer to the Silent Saint... ! Come Pray for a Healing of Self and the World... ! Be Merciful - thereby, Be Blessed & Be a Blessing!! A prayer to St Mary Magdalene, the Apostle of the Apostles, covering personal prayer points, as well as the intentions of this world... Conclude with the Prayer of Mercy by Pope Francis, for the Jubilee Year of Mercy and claiming the protection and deliverance promised in Psalms 91..


O St Mary Magdalene, you were pardoned by Jesus and delivered from seven demons that obstructed your path towards sanctity and perfect holiness. Pray for us now, our entire family tree, our community and this nation; to be delivered and protected from all demonic bondages that separate us from God and His Abundant Life. O beloved saint of Jesus and the Greater Mary - the mother of God, chase away all evil spirits by the power of God, to the foot of the Cross in Calvary. Destroy and completely eliminate the power of sin in our lives. Deliver us in the name of Jesus Christ, from all sinful tendencies and sensual pleasures, which is deeply implanted in us. In particular we offer the spirit of lust, self love, pride, envy, anger, sloth, gluttony and greed. O St Mary Magdalene, Apostle of the Apostles, you who witnessed the power of God manifested in Jesus’ gentle forgiving love, His painful death and Glorious Resurrection intercede for us for a complete conversion of our hearts. Lead us into a deep contemplation of the mysteries of God, as you were lead by the power of the Holy Spirit into the divinity of Jesus Christ. Plead for us dear St Mary Magdalene, that the blood of Jesus which was sprinkled on you, Mother Mary and St John, at the feet of that Cross in Calvary may deliver us from every power of sin and death. Bring us closer to that open side of Jesus, from which you witnessed the blood and water gush out. O St Mary Mary Magdalene, pray that the sins and iniquities of the whole world be cleansed in that Divine Mercy you witnessed in Calvary. May the blood and water that gushed out from the Sacred Heart of Jesus, seep deep into our conscious, subconscious and unconscious mind, purging every element of sin and death. And may our hearts forever be united like yours, to the hearts of Jesus and Mother Mary, which still bleeds for the salvation of souls. Intercede and fill us dear St Mary Magdalene, with the spirit and gifts of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, faithfulness, goodness, gentleness, humility ,self control. Come Holy Spirit, living in Mother Mary and St Mary Magdalene, come and fill us with wisdom, knowledge, understanding, deep contemplation, courage, boldness, stability and self control. Amen.


Entire prayer, here :


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