Understanding the Basics of Problematic Sexual Behavior

Описание к видео Understanding the Basics of Problematic Sexual Behavior

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Williamsburg Place Lecture Series
The Farley Center and The Pavilion host monthly professional workshops for area providers. These cutting edge presentations feature information on addiction, ethics, dual diagnosis, co-dependency, military and addiction, eating disorders, assessment, and process disorders. Workshops are held on the 4th Friday of each month from 9:00 am -11:00 am on the campus of Williamsburg Place.

Clinicians are often faced with clients who seek help for sexual activities or drug and alcohol abuse. Understanding how to assess for problematic sexual behavior can help clinicians understand treatment planning and goals.

This presentation will help clinicians understand what exactly problematic sexual behaviors are, how to discuss them, assess for them and begin to treatment plan. This overwhelming topic area will become less cumbersome and clinicians will find themselves armed for anything.


In this program, participants will:

Learn the basics around diagnostic issues surrounding problematic sexual behaviors.
Understand the comorbidity between sexual behaviors, personality disorders, and substance use disorders.
Learn how to assess for problematic sexual behaviors.
Understand how to treatment plan for these issues.
About the Speaker

Dr. Mary Deitch is a licensed Pennsylvania psychologist and attorney working in private practice in the Philadelphia area. Her practice focuses on assessment and treatment of sexual addiction, paraphilic disorders, and offending behaviors including physician boundary violations. Her practice also focuses on education and consultation on these areas.

Dr. Deitch is the President of SASH (The Society for the Advancement of Sexual Health) and was the co-chair of the 2015 Annual SASH conference. She has presented nationally and internationally on sexual addiction and compulsivity, sexual offending, physician assessments and vicarious trauma for various audiences including sexual addiction therapists, drug and alcohol counselors, EAP’s, PHP’s and attorneys.

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