Accuracy Rate_Precision, Recall_Word Error Rate (WER)_Character Error Rate (CER)

Описание к видео Accuracy Rate_Precision, Recall_Word Error Rate (WER)_Character Error Rate (CER)

When working with Optical Character Recognition (OCR), noise removal is a critical preprocessing step to enhance the accuracy of text recognition. Noise can be anything from background patterns, stains, or distortions in the scanned image. The goal of noise removal is to produce a cleaner image with more distinct text characters, improving the OCR system's ability to accurately recognize text.

Here’s a detailed overview of various noise removal methods used in OCR preprocessing:

1. Image Preprocessing for Noise Removal
1.1 Binarization
Binarization converts a grayscale or color image into a binary image, where the pixels are either black or white. This process simplifies the image by reducing it to two colors, which helps in distinguishing text from the background.

Otsu’s Thresholding: An automatic method to find the threshold value that separates the foreground (text) from the background.
Adaptive Thresholding: Uses local image properties to determine the threshold value for each pixel, which is effective for images with varying lighting conditions.

1.2 Noise Filtering
Median Filtering: Replaces each pixel value with the median of the pixel values in its neighborhood. This method is effective in removing salt-and-pepper noise.

Gaussian Blur: Applies a Gaussian function to smooth the image and reduce noise. This method helps in averaging out the pixel values, reducing random noise.

Morphological Operations
Morphological operations process images based on their shapes and can be used to remove noise or enhance features.

Erosion: Shrinks the white regions of the image. It helps to remove small noise points by reducing the size of the foreground objects.

Dilation: Expands the white regions. Useful for filling small holes or gaps in the text.

Opening and Closing: Combined operations where opening removes small noise points by eroding and then dilating, while closing fills small holes by dilating and then eroding.

LaTeX Code for Morphological Operations Section:

1.4 Edge Detection
Edge detection methods highlight the boundaries of text, which helps in separating text from noise.

Canny Edge Detection: Uses a multi-stage algorithm to detect a wide range of edges in images, useful for identifying text boundaries.

Sobel Operator: Computes the gradient of the image intensity function, highlighting edges in both horizontal and vertical directions.


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