Simple Yoga for Pregnant women I Trikonasana I

Описание к видео Simple Yoga for Pregnant women I Trikonasana I

#Trikonasana or #trianglepose can be done in a very simple way during your pregnancy. Trikonasana is a #sidebending #asana , the video shows different variations and you can practice is one which you find comfortable and safe. Trikonasana has a whoole lot of benefits which includes
- Strengthening your thighs, ankles, knees, arms, chest and shoulders
- Strengthens your pelvic floor muscles, which help during your delivery
- Improves digestion ( as you face indigestion during pregnancy)
- Stretches and opens your Hips, hamstrings and groin
- Strengthens back & spine
one very important part about trikonasana is pregnancy is it
HELPS YOU LEARN TO BALANCE as your body changes and grows during pregnancy.

The different variations of trikonasana can be done throughout your pregnancy, you can choose a simple stretches as your pregnancy progresses.

Do share your views about my channel, you can also ask any questions or query regarding your #prenatalyoga #asanas #prenatalexercises #yogainpregnancy.


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