6.9 7.3 idi diesel injection pump repair in a bottle

Описание к видео 6.9 7.3 idi diesel injection pump repair in a bottle

In this video I show you a trick the old timers used to lube up the injection pump on a ford with the 6.9 or 7.3 idi diesel engine. this trick is a good idea after a truck sat for a long time. or if it is stalling and dying on deceleration or between shifts when you let off the throttle. classic symptoms of a stuck metering rod. Hit that 👍 thumbs up before you take off. Really appreciated by this small youtuber trying to beat the evil algorithms and get information out to more people that can use it. Check out the following links for more #idi #diesel videos.

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Check out these videos for more information on my #wmo #blackdiesel centrifuge set up.

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